How can I reorder admin bar items?

This is an old question, but for others in the future the answer is.

You can add the following code to functions.php.

function reorder_admin_bar() {
    global $wp_admin_bar;

    // The desired order of identifiers (items)
    $IDs_sequence = array(

    // Get an array of all the toolbar items on the current
    // page
    $nodes = $wp_admin_bar->get_nodes();

    // Perform recognized identifiers
    foreach ( $IDs_sequence as $id ) {
        if ( ! isset($nodes[$id]) ) continue;

        // This will cause the identifier to act as the last
        // menu item

        // Remove the identifier from the list of nodes

    // Unknown identifiers will be moved to appear after known
    // identifiers
    foreach ( $nodes as $id => &$obj ) {
        // There is no need to organize unknown children
        // identifiers (sub items)
        if ( ! empty($obj->parent) ) continue;

        // This will cause the identifier to act as the last
        // menu item
add_action( 'wp_before_admin_bar_render', 'reorder_admin_bar');