How can I view my readme.txt file to include inline images, videos…prior to submitting a New Plugin for review by

When you submit a plugin to, you need to put everything in a zip file that you must put on your server. After validate it, you receive a mail with the new svn link for the validated plugin.

Readme.txt link all images to à folder called assets where banner, screenshots, logo take place.

For the validation, you can reproduce the folder structure in your zip, as it will be in the svn :

 Svn plugin folder
       ----- assets
              --- banner-772-250.png
              --- screenshot-001.png
              --- icon-128x128.png

       ----- trunk 
              --- readme.txt
              --- plugin_main.php
              --- includes

      ----- tags
              --- 1.0

When online, visitors will see the readme.txt from the trunk folder, the header line ‘Stable tag’ will redirect user to right current version (tags/1.0 or trunk) and generate the zip file for the download.

You can embed video from youtube with the markdown [youtube…..].

An image markdown for image look like this for me:
1. The screenshot description corresponds to screenshot-1.(png|jpg|jpeg|gif).

What you will do, will always be under control, try and you’ll be able to remove, modify everything on your svn directly.

You will find on the web, a lot readme.txt validator website. I use to create it quickly.

You can read the WordPress documentation about readme.txt : How the readme.txt works, the page explain how the file is parsed and a brief explain of the markdown.

You can also read the developper Plugin Handbook, the part, talks about svn, readme.txt, asset and update Plugin Handbook
Hope it helps.