A friend wrote a bash script to automatically restart a minecraft (spigot) server in the event of a crash or with the command “/stop” when using screen. There are several seconds to cancel the restart with Enter. In addition, the exit codes of the previous session are written to a file, which can be used to understand when and why a server has crashed or restarted.
You need two files:
- “start.sh”
#!/bin/sh screen -d -m -S "mc_spigot_server" ./startserver.sh
- “startserver.sh”
#!/bin/bash JAR=spigot-1.15.2.jar MAXRAM=1024M MINRAM=1024M TIME=20 while [ true ]; do java -Xmx$MAXRAM -Xms$MINRAM -jar $JAR nogui if [[ ! -d "exit_codes" ]]; then mkdir "exit_codes"; fi if [[ ! -f "exit_codes/server_exit_codes.log" ]]; then touch "exit_codes/server_exit_codes.log"; fi echo "[$(date +"%d.%m.%Y %T")] ExitCode: $?" >> exit_codes/server_exit_codes.log echo "----- Press enter to prevent the server from restarting in $TIME seconds -----"; read -t $TIME input; if [ $? == 0 ]; then break; else echo "------------------- SERVER RESTARTS -------------------"; fi done
You can change the start parameters by changing the variables:
JAR = server filename
MAXRAM = maximum RAM
MINRAM = minimum RAM
TIME = time in seconds until server restarts automatically
Execute the following in the directory:
chmod +x start.sh startserver.sh
Run your start up script:
- To leave the minecraft screen press Ctrl + A + D
- To reconnect to minecraft screen use
screen -r
Did you discover any mistakes or do you disagree? Help me do it better.