How do I get WooCommerce to recreate the home page?

WooCommerce does not create a ‘home page’. The pages which do get auto-created (as part of version 2.0.14 which is stable at the time of writing) are:

  1. Shop (this is a placeholder for the main post type archive)
  2. My Account
  3. Checkout
  4. Cart
  5. lost password
  6. logout
  7. edit address
  8. view-order
  9. change password
  10. Pay
  11. Order received

To have this pages recreate (again) correctly,

  1. Trash and delete the pages from Admin > Pages
  2. go to WooCommerce > Settings > Pages, unset the ‘Shop base’ page option and any others.
  3. De-activate, then re-activate WooCommerce. The install page notice will be displayed.

Alternatively, create any page manually and select your page in WooCommerce > Settings > Pages