How to add Ajax to the default widget calendar to support next/previous months loading?

Interesting task indeed. Here’s what I would do:

  1. Create my own plugin with a widget. You can always use plugin boilerplate or widget boilerplate as starting points.
  2. My widget would look like the default calendar, except it would also have the ‘prev””next’ links, as you mentioned.
  3. I would then copy-paste and adjust the get_calendar() function located in wp-includes/general-template.php, which is responsible for populating the calendar HTML. I’d call it something nice and unique, like my_get_calendar().
  4. Connect my widget with my function via AJAX calls triggered by clicks on ‘prev””next’ links, passing month and year as parameters. The my_get_calendar() function would catch those and return either JSON or HTML (depending on where you prefer the markup generation to occur – either in the front-end or back-end).
  5. In my widget’s JS on document.ready I would call my back-end function to initially populate the calendar, and then attach click handlers to ‘prev””next’ links.
  6. Share end result with the world by either posting it on GitHub or in WordPress plugins repository, or both.