How to add custom rewrite rules and point to specific templates

You need to create query_var for sector and you need to create a rewrite rule with RegEX. I created a plugin for this. Create a file and add into the wp-content/plugins folder and activate it.


Plugin Name: Custom Rewrite
Plugin URI:
Description: Custom Rewrite
Version: 1
Author: Serkan Algur
Author URI:
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI:

class FilterRewriteRule
    public function init()
        add_filter('query_vars', [$this,'add_query_for_sector']);
        add_filter('template_include', array($this, 'filter_template'), 99);

    private function add_query_for_sector($vars)
        $vars[] = 'sector';
        return $vars;

    private function InitRewriteRules()


    public function filter_template($template)
        global $wp;
        if (get_query_var('sector') && is_page('import')) {
            $custom_template = locate_template('sector.php');
            if ($custom_template) {
                return $custom_template;
        return $template;

register_activation_hook(__FILE__, function () {
    $writing_ideas = new FilterRewriteRule();

add_rewrite_rule add the rewrite rule with pagination support. filter_template locate your sector.php file and redirect the request to this file. query_vars adds sector query to WordPress system.

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