How to add posts, manually, to a wp_query?

Okay, so the answer to this I think is to create a new array that combines your post IDs and the specific IDs you’re trying to include, probably in the same way you’ve done there. Then in your query args, you, you use 'post__in'=> $ids,.

Just as an example, here we had some posts selected via ACF, then ran them through our WP_Query.

    $ids = get_field( 'acf_field_name',);

    $args = [
        'post_type'      => 'posts',
        'posts_per_page' => 10,
        'post__in'       => $ids,
        'post_status'    => 'publish',
        'orderby'        => 'post__in',

All you really need to do is grab all your post ids, tack on the two in question, and use that instead of the acf get_field used in my example.

Hope that helps!