How to Add TinyMCE’s plugin in wordpress?

You can register TinyMCE plugins using mce_external_plugins filter:

add_filter('mce_external_plugins', 'my_tinymce_plugins');
function my_tinymce_plugins() {
    $plugins_array = array(
                         'my-tinymce-plugin-name' => 'tinymce-plugin-url-of-js-file'
    return $plugins_array;

You can add that code to functions.php file of your theme, or better in a WordPress plugin to make it theme independent.

Also, I recommend to not upload externa tinymce plugins to wp-include /wp-includes/tinymce/ folder; use a WordPress plugin or theme folder instead.

For example, I’ve made this test. I’ve created a file called editor_plugin.js with the content of the TinyMCE plugin js file. I’ve uploaded it to my theme root folder and I’ve added this code to functions.php:

add_filter('mce_external_plugins', 'my_tinymce_plugins');
function my_tinymce_plugins() {
    $plugins_array = array(
                          'zbdo' => get_template_directory_uri().'/editor_plugin.js'
    return $plugins_array;