How to Change Site Elements based on referring URL

This is done in WordPress using Page Templates. This allows you to give a unique design for specific pages meeting specific criteria.

There are several methods for assigning page templates to certain pages. Sounds like for you the easiest would be to create templates based off of the page name (or URL).

So for example, if you create a page with the URL funeralhomea you would create a template called page-funeralhomea.php. This page-pageName.php structure tells WordPress to automatically assign this template to a PAGE with that URL.

You can read more about page templates here.

The easiest way to get this setup would be to copy your theme and create a child theme, then from there you can copy your child theme’s page.php file, rename it to page-funeralhomea.php and make your changes to it.

More info on creating a child theme.

This is very common WordPress functionality and there are a ton of resources out there, just google “wordpress page templates” or wordpress how to setup child theme” etc.

Good Luck!