How to change the URL of sub menu page?

As per the requirement in the comments, one way to do that rewrite is with .htaccess. This may be possible with WordPress rewrite functions too, but I find .htaccess easier as there are some constraints with the WordPress functions.

If your WordPress installation is at http://localhost/wordpress then your .htaccess should be in the wordpress directory.

Add this to the top of it to do the rewrite you want:

RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^wp-admin/filtered.php(/.*)$ wp-admin/users.php?page=filtered.php$1 [NC,L]


  • This must be added in your root .htacess file above the start of the WordPress Rules
  • This will not change the URL in the browser. You can add a redirect if you want it to redirect with e.g. [R=301,NC,L]
  • This is untested but should do what you want or get you close to what you need.
  • As per the comments this is only the URL that you can use to access this page, this won’t automatically change any URL’s that get rendered in WordPress