How to check if a categoryID exists in a theme options page

In the following code, $i is not going to be your category ID.

 foreach($slidercats_array AS $i => $value)  
        $cat = get_category($i); // cat_ID
        if ( empty( $cat ) )

At least I don’t see how it could be. If you explode a string the keys in the resulting array are numerical and sequentially generated starting at 0. I assume that your original string is a comma separated list of category ids. That would mean that the keys of the array– the $is– are
going to have no relationship to your category ids. For example:

$arr="9,8,7,6,5,4"; // assume these to be category IDs

/* Returns
    [0] => 9
    [1] => 8
    [2] => 7
    [3] => 6
    [4] => 5
    [5] => 4
) */

You want to be using the $value not the $i. The $i is the [0],[1],[2], etc. You want the second half– the $value— when you check for the category (or term).

$cat = get_category($value); // cat_ID

You still want the $i when you unset though.

You seem to be making the same mistake in the second block as well and I am fairly sure that is incorrect use of the array keys is the root of the problem.