Here’s a basic concept how I’d do the word counting and showing the count. Hopefully this serves as a starting point.
I think it would be a good idea to store the word count in a transient, so it isn’t calculated on each and every author archive page load.
function author_word_count() {
// get current author
$author_id = get_queried_object_id();
// check if there's valid word count transient, show that if so
$word_count = get_transient( $author_id . '_word_count' );
if ( $word_count ) {
echo $word_count;
} else {
// fallback to calculating word count, show it and save it as transient
$word_count = calculate_author_posts_words( $author_id );
echo $word_count;
Helper function for calculation
function calculate_author_posts_words( $author_id ) {
$author_posts = get_author_posts( $author_id );
$count = 0;
if ( ! empty( $author_posts->posts ) ) {
// If you have gazillion posts, then this might hit your server hard I guess.
// There might be more performant ways to doing this, but I can't think of any right now
foreach( $author_posts->posts as $p ) {
$count = $count + prefix_wcount( $p->post_content );
set_transient( $author_id . '_word_count', $count, $expiration ); // Save the count, set suitable expiration time
return $count;
Helper function to get authors posts
function get_author_posts( $id ) {
// Do WP_Query with author's id and return it
Helper function to count single post’s word count. Modified from Counting words in a post
function prefix_wcount( $post_content ){
return sizeof(explode(" ", $post_content));
You could also hook a custom update function to save_post
to update the word count transient when a new post is made or and existing one is updated.
function update_word_count_transient( $post_id ) {
// check that we're intentionally saving / updating post
// get post content
// get transient
// calculate words and and it to transient count
// save transient
add_action( 'save_post', 'update_word_count_transient' );
This is just a concept and I haven’t tested the code examples. Please add prefixes, validation, sanitizing, fix typos/bugs and fine tune functions as needed before using in production.
If you don’t know php and are looking for a copy-and-paste solution, then please hire a professional to do the work for you