How to create a Re-Usable content snippet that I can Pass a Value to?

The best way to achieve this would be using a shortcode or a filter.

I tend to use the Shortcode in this scenario, because you are flexible to add another paragraph behind the autoatically generated content, this is more complicated as a filter. Also, I do not know if your Cities are Custom Post Types, or if there is another way WordPress could know that this is a City and not some other content (using a meta_value, page_template, …).

The function to create the content

However, the function to generate the content is fairly simple. I added __() to make the content translateable, as you should do with every hardcoded string.

function f711_generate_city_texts( $cityname ) { // function receives cityname as variable
    return $cityname . __( 'is a beautiful city', 'f711_wpse' ); //returns the custom content with the cityname built in.

Now, we need to pass add this function to the content.

Adding the shortcode

I create a Shortcode function, and add the shortcode:

add_shortcode( 'f711_citytext', 'f711_citytext_shortcode' );

function f711_citytext_shortcode( $atts ) {

    extract( shortcode_atts( array( 
        'city' => get_the_title(), // define city as a attribute for the shortcode, with the title as standard value
    ), $atts ) );

    return f711_generate_city_texts( $city );

In your content, you can now use

[f711_citytext city="yourcityname"]

or you could leave the city-attribute, if you are within the loop, as get_the_title() is used as the standard value in the function.

Adding a filter

Of course, you could also add a filter to add the text automatically, as I mentioned you need a way of knowing that this content belongs to a city in this case.

I will use a meta_value containing a bool with f711_iscity set to true.

add_filter( 'the_content', 'f711_citytext_filter', 10, 1 );

function f711_citytext_filter ( $content ) {
    if ( get_post_meta( get_the_ID(), 'f711_iscity', true ) === true ) 
        return $content . f711_generate_city_texts( get_the_title() );
    return $content;

This function checks if you set f711_iscity to true, and returns the content with the appended generated text. Otherwise it leaves the content untouched.


For flexibility reasons, I would prefer the shortcode soluiton in this case.