How to disable autocomplete for inputs in contact form 7? [closed]

Autocomplete tag in form settings does not work anymore (as today Contact Form 7 plugin version 5.1.3.

The only solution which worked for me was to add custom attributes thanks to

E.g. if You have FirstName and LastName fields, where You want to disable autocomplete.

Add this into functions.php file:

add_filter( 'wpcf7_form_elements', 'imp_wpcf7_form_elements' );
function imp_wpcf7_form_elements( $content ) {
    $str_pos = strpos( $content, 'name="FirstName"' );
    if ($str_pos) {
        $content = substr_replace( $content, ' autocomplete="both" autocomplete="off" ', $str_pos, 0 );     

    $str_pos = strpos( $content, 'name="LastName"' );
    if ($str_pos) {
        $content = substr_replace( $content, ' autocomplete="both" autocomplete="off" ', $str_pos, 0 );

    return $content;