How to display posts under a specific subcategory of a given category

It should be enough to do this:

query_posts( 'posts_per_page=10&paged='.$paged.'&post_type=publication&publication_category='.$subcat );

If you look at your original code you can see why you went wrong by looking at what you are literally asking in your arguments:

I would like posts that are in the main category but are in the child category.

When what you want is:

I would like posts that are in the child category

Also, make sure to use term IDs not term Names, as they’re more reliable.

Also a final note of crucial importance

You’re checking against cat, but this is a reserved WordPress name, and will only ever hold a category ID, not a publication_category ID. If you pass anything using this GET variable, WordPress will modify the query accordingly assuming its a category. This is bad news.

So you can either rename the variable used, or, use the taxonomy archives which si what your code is hinting at. e.g. and have WordPress do all this for you.