How to do 302 redirects “in” WordPress using Redirection plugin? [closed]

Considering that Redirection plugin is broken in parts, I am currently thinking of…

#1 Using Simple URLs plugin by StudioPress.

It adds a new custom post type to your Admin menu, where you can
create, edit, delete, and manage URLs. It stores click counts in the
form of a custom field on that custom post type, so it scales really

As fate would have it, the plugin does 301 redirects only. But luckily, to get it to do what I want (302 redirects), is as easy as replacing the two instances of 301 with 302 in the plugin’s plugin.php file (line 152).

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#2 setting wp_redirect on posts using a custom field. This is the code I have in mind (untested) — based on this answer:

/* The value for 'wpse58864-302-redirects' custom field should be a URL.
 * The post can be left blank, but should be published.
 * You may have to prevent caching of these posts.

add_action( 'template_redirect', 'wpse58864_redirect' );
function wpse58864_redirect(){

    if ( get_post_meta($post->ID, '302-redirect', true) ) {

        $redirect_302_to = get_post_meta($post->ID, '302-redirect', true);
        wp_redirect( $redirect_302_to );



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#3 This is a completely non-WordPress way. It’s very simple, basic and straightforward.

First, create a directory called go (as in with an empty index.html file in it. When you want to create a redirect, like say, simply drop a directory (wordpress in this case) with an index.php file with nothing but the following code, in go.


That’s all. should now redirect you to