How to dynamically change webcam photo timestamps

to generate the galerie, you can put this shortcode in the file functions.php of your theme (create a child theme if the theme can be updated)

add_shortcode("webcamPictures", function ($attr, $content, $tag) {

    $picturesByLine = 5;

    $directoryBase = realpath(__DIR__ . "/../../../images");
    $urlBase = home_url("/images");

    // reading pictures

    $picturesRaw = glob("$directoryBase/{$attr["type"]}*");

    $pictures = [];

    foreach ($picturesRaw as $p) {

        $pictures[] = [
            "filename" => basename($p),
            "mtime" => filemtime($p),


    // sorting

    usort($pictures, function ($p1, $p2) {
        return $p2["mtime"] - $p1["mtime"];

    // display

    $firstPicture = array_shift($pictures);
    $firstPictureURL = "$urlBase/{$firstPicture["filename"]}";

    $picturesEnd = count($pictures) - 1;


        <table class=" table table-hover"
            style="table-layout: fixed; border-collapse: separate; border-spacing: 30px;">
                    <td style="bgcolor="#EAEAEA"><a
                        href="<?php echo esc_html($firstPictureURL);?>"><img
                            src="<?php echo esc_html($firstPictureURL);?>"></a>
        <table class=" table table-hover"
            style="table-layout: fixed; border-collapse: separate; border-spacing: 30px;">

                    <?php foreach ($pictures as $index => $p) {?>

                            $pictureURL = "$urlBase/{$p["filename"]}";

                        <td style="width: 20%;" bgcolor="#EAEAEA"><a
                            href="<?php echo esc_html($pictureURL);?>"><img
                                src="<?php echo esc_html($pictureURL);?>"></a>

                            if (    (0 === ($index + 1) % $picturesByLine)
                                &&  ($index !== $picturesEnd)
                            ) {
                        <?php }?>

                    <?php }?>




    $content = ob_get_clean();

    return $content;


to use this shortcode, put this in your page content : [webcamPictures type="CGCHdCam1"]