How to fetch the highest category in the hierachry for a specific post?

Another idea (which heavily depends on what you are viewing [single or archive] and also your taxonomy-structure) is to look for the term parent.

Maybe this can help you aswell …

You were asking about “highest category in the hierarchy for a specific post”.

A post is associated with 3 terms of an taxonomy which are hierachical:

Parent Term
-First-Child Term
--Second-Child Term

You could get all the associated terms of this post:

$all_terms = get_the_terms( $post_id, $taxonomy );

And than find the term which has a parent of 0:

foreach($all_terms as $term) {

   if($term->parent == 0){
      //here you have the data of the topmost parent, e.g. "Parent Term"

      // get parent term ID
      $parent_id = $term->term_id; 

      // get term obj from ID to get term name
      $parent_obj = get_term_by( 'id', $parent_id, $taxonomy );
      // show parent term name
      echo $parent_obj->name; // "Parent Term"

      // show parent term permalink URL
      echo = get_term_link( $parent_id );


As you see, this will only work if the post has only one parent and than child-terms assiciated. For other setups this will not work!