How to fix the view of admin all posts

This obvious because WordPress post has 6 columns normally and you have 13.
However, the problem is title bar is getting squeezed. In latest version the column widths are like this:

The Check box column: 2.2em ~ 3%
The Title column: flexible as its width is default(auto) (40% normally)
The Author column: 10%
The Categories column: 15%
The Tags column: 15%
The Comments column: 5.5em ~ 6.7%
The Date column: 10%


Add title width and specify a width but in em.

.column-title {
    width: 15em;

Adjust this value to get desired look.


Use this code in your function.php file or you can implement this in side a custom plugin.
Here we have a small style script, in case you have more styles to add to admin back-end then add it using a custom css file.
For small amount of script.

function adjust_admin_style() {
  echo '<style>
    .column-title {
        width: 15em;
add_action('admin_head', 'adjust_admin_style');

Implement styles in large scales

function prefix_admin_style() {

  wp_enqueue_style('admin-styles', get_template_directory_uri().'/yourstyle.css');

add_action('admin_enqueue_scripts', 'prefix_admin_style');