How to generate a list of child pages, and use some of their custom fields?

You could use get_pages to do this, like so:

    $args = array(
        'post_type' => 'page',
        'child_of' => 7,
    $postobj = get_pages($args);
    foreach($postobj as $item){
        $dir = get_bloginfo('template_directory'); // Theme directory
        $title = $item->post_title;
        $parent = $item->post_parent;
        $id = $item->guid;
        $name = $item->post_name;

Once you get to here, you can pull out your custom fields and put them into variables.

        $model_number = get_post_meta($item->ID, 'model_number', true);

I would use an if statement of some kind to build those top headings. For instance you could do:

            if($model_number == true){
                echo stuff;
            } else {
                echo other stuff;

It’s rough, but I think this could get you quite a long ways. Essentially, you’re programmatically building your headings and returning everything to get printed. The key is formatting everything and getting your conditions set up right.