how to get full category path including parent and subcategories

How do I grab the parent category and subcategory, i.e. aaa-1ndustries/beauty?

Well if you meant the current category URL, where it looks like, and you just wanted to get the above category path from that URL, then try this:

$request   = $GLOBALS['wp']->request;
$page_path = trim( preg_replace( '#^blog/topic/#', '', $request ), "" );

And if you want to do the same for a specific category URL/permalink, you can use get_category_link() (or get_term_link() for custom taxonomies) and parse_url():

$cat_id    = 123; // change the value to the correct category ID
$request   = parse_url( get_category_link( $cat_id ), PHP_URL_PATH );
$page_path = trim( preg_replace( '#^/blog/topic/#', '', $request ), "" );

But if you actually wanted to get the actual hierarchical path of the category, then use get_category_parents() (or get_term_parents_list() for custom taxonomies). E.g.

// Use this for the core `category` taxonomy:
$cat_id   = get_queried_object_id(); // or just set a specific category ID
$cat_path = get_category_parents( $cat_id, false, "", true );

// OR use this for custom taxonomies:
$term     = get_queried_object(); // or just set a specific term object
$cat_path = get_term_parents_list( $term->term_id, $term->taxonomy, array(
    'separator' => "",
    'link'      => false,
    'format'    => 'slug',
) );

echo trim( $cat_path, "" ); // the trim() removes the trailing/last slash