how to hide resume from selected employer [closed]

I would make some assumptions:

  • Not using custom table
  • All resumes are with a post type of resume
  • You are comfortable with some sql
 SELECT * FROM wp_posts wp  WHERE wp.post_type="resume" AND
 wp.post_author NOT IN (  SELECT distinct wu.umeta_id FROM wp_usermeta
 wu    WHERE wu.meta_key='exclude_from_search' AND

The basic idea is to first get all the ids of users don’t want to show the resumes for a particular company. After that is straight on to select depending of you filtering process.

The reason why I din’t use a custom table is because of the power of the meta fields that can support multiple values(entries) for the same meta_key and user_id. This can help you keep track of all the user preferences depending on the hidden of resumes.