How to order custom user list columns by datetime?

I think you could simplify this a lot by using the pre_get_users hook, instead of working directly with the complicated SQL within the pre_user_query hook.

Try something like:

add_action( 'pre_get_users', function( \WP_User_Query $q )
    $qv = &$q->query_vars;
    if( isset( $qv['orderby'] ) && 'test_date' === $qv['orderby'] )
        // Custom meta query
        $qv['meta_query'] = [
            'custom' => [
                'key'   => 'test_date',
                'type'  => 'DATETIME'

        // Order by the 'custom' meta query
        $qv['orderby'] = 'custom';

} );

where we’ve added the extra 'custom' key in the meta query, so that we can order by it as well. This would assume all users to have the test_date user meta key.

Hope you can adjust this accordingly.