how to retrieve uploaded url of zip files

To allow uploading files which are not in the ‘regular’ list of MIME’s you have to tell WordPress to add them to that list.

As an example you find below code which adds those extensions to the already existing MIMES list.

Please make a backup first

 * Source: @link
add_filter( 'upload_mimes', 'add_custom_upload_mimes' );
function add_custom_upload_mimes( $existing_mimes )
   return array_merge( $existing_mimes, array(
      'rar' => 'application/rar'

  return $existing_mimes;

It takes the existing array of allowed file types ($existing_mimes) first and adds the ‘new’ additionally to it.
The ‘new’ array will then be returned to WordPress.

I hope this will help you on your way when it is about allowing ‘new’ file.ext to upload.

Simplified code, and perhaps the MIME type given for .rar extension (changed it into application, see code) was wrong?!