How to sanitize user input?

I am not sure if this helpful or not. As s_ha_dum said, you should post how you are processing the submitted data and sending to db.

But for starters, you might look at escaping the outputted data in the form:

<input style="width:100%" type="text" name="dataHow to sanitize user input?" id="title" value="<?php $title = get_option('data_test'); echo esc_attr($title['title']); ?>" /></p>

Use esc_attr() and esc_html() for data that you are adding to the page that has been submitted by the user or you are unsure of its origins.

esc_attr() is for content outputted into an html tag attribute, and esc_html() is for content outputted directly into the page or between tags. There are also esc_attr_e(), esc_attr__(), esc_html_e, and esc_html__() versions if you need translation.

Finally, within the escaping series is esc_sql() for user submitted data that you are going to send to your database.


As @Milo pointed out in the comments, there isn’t much use for esc_sql() here, because those escape functions are getting applied already to update_option() through the sanitize_option() function and prepared when placed in the database. So you can skip that. If you are writing your own MySQL calls to store data, you should look at $wpdb->prepare to escape them.

For adding meta_data and options to the database through built in functions, you are already covered.
