How to save custom form data in wp_options table

@Buttered_Toast’s solutions is what you are looking for, if you were in a position to use it.

There are a bunch of problems with your code.

  1. Variables $confused_about_treatment_editor, $estimated_price_editor, and $satisfaction_guarantee_editor are never instantiated.
  2. The values of $option_name and $option_valueare changed three times, but only the last value is ever used.
  3. There is no closing PHP tag between your code and your form.

I’m not sure if you intend to call go_back() every time, but it is called every time.

I would recommend using update_option() for form values that will be changed during the live of the site. For values that you don’t want mutated you should use add_option().

You could try removing everything between your // run validation comment, and $status variable instantiation with this…

$status = update_option('form_values', [
    'confused_about_treatment' => isset( $_POST['confused_about_treatment'] ) ? $_POST['confused_about_treatment'] : '',
    'estimated_price' => isset( $_POST['estimated_price'] ) ? $_POST['estimated_price'] : '',
    'satisfaction_guarantee' => isset( $_POST['satisfaction_guarantee'] ) ? $_POST['satisfaction_guarantee'] : '',