How to show recent comments on WordPress homepage with post title?

There’s this built-in function for querying comments get_comments and here’s something that would help in your template:

$comments = get_comments( array( 'number' => 10 ) );

if ( !empty( $comments ) ) {



    <?php foreach ( $comments as $comment ) : ?>

        <li><?php echo sprintf(

            "<strong>%s</strong> on <a href=\"%s\">%s</a> : \"%s\" &mdash; <a href=\"%s\">view</a>",
            get_the_permalink( $comment->comment_post_ID ) . "#comment-" . $comment->comment_ID,
            get_the_title( $comment->comment_post_ID ),
            mb_strlen( $comment->comment_content ) > 100 ? mb_substr($comment->comment_content, 0, 100) . " .." : $comment->comment_content,
            get_the_permalink( $comment->comment_post_ID ) . "#comment-" . $comment->comment_ID

        ); ?></li>

    <?php endforeach; ?>



} else {
    echo sprintf("<p>%s</p>", "No comments were found.");

If you want a short-code or a custom function and needed help, comment below.

Hope that helps.