How to use checked() function with multiple check box group? How to properly sanitize that checkbox group?

So checked is fairly simple to understand. It compares the first two values. If they’re equal, it spits out checked="checked" if they aren’t equal nothing happens.

$saved = 'on';

// spits out checked="checked"
checked($saved, $compare);

$saved = 'off';
// does nothing
checked($saved, $compare);

How you save check boxes it up to you. Because of the way things get serialized, I like to save “checked” values as on and unchecked values as off.

So to sanitize you’d do something like this:

function wpse74685_clean_option($dirty)
    $clean = array(
        'post_sharing_networks'  => array(),

    // $dirty['post_sharing_networks'] will contain the array of
    // of your checkbox values, so check to make sure its there
    // then loop through.
        // if the box was checked, the value will be there
        // if not nothing will be there.
        foreach(post_sharing_networks() as $network)
            $clean['post_sharing_networks'][$network['value']] = !empty($dirty['post_sharing_networks'][$network['value']]) ? 'on' : 'off';

    return $clean;

Then you calls to checked will be something like this:

<input type="checkbox" value="1" 
       name="theme_options[post_sharing_networks][<?php echo esc_attr($network['value']); ?>]"
       <?php checked($post_sharing_networks[$network['value']], 'on'); ?> />