I am looking for a specialist WordPress host [closed]

A host doesn’t need to specialize in WordPress to be a good environment for it. Many hosts supposedly specialize in it, but don’t provide any different features than their competitors. If you are looking for officially recommended hosts, take a look at the WordPress recommended hosts. However, I’m not a fan of all of the hosts on that list.

Any GOOD web host that meet or exceeds the minimum requirements, has guaranteed uptime and keeps its customers happy, would be a good match. As a web developer, and having built over 100 WP sites, three of my favorite hosts include:

I like the above hosts because of a combination of great features (and freedom for your developer to manipulate certain configuration options that other hosts do not allow), great customer service, and good, fast, reliable servers.

If you do decide on a host, add a comment and let us know which one you ultimately choose.