I restricted wordpress by logged users. It’s possible exclude a page?

I wanted to restrict my website except a specific page. This is my solution:

function restrict_access_if_logged_out(){
  global $wp;
  if (!is_user_logged_in() && !is_home() && ($wp->query_vars['pagename'] != 'name-of-page') ){
    $redirect = home_url() . '/wp-login.php?redirect_to=' . esc_url($_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] . urlencode($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]));
    wp_redirect( $redirect );

Only I added this: && ($wp->query_vars['pagename'] != 'name-of-page') in IF clause and a global variable $wp for exclude a specific page. This method avoid redirect when the pages is ‘name-of-page’.

My inspiration here.

And thanks @PieterGoosen for your solution in your post. 🙂