iFrames when using custom shortcode, ACF and Elementor only renders alternate ones

The iframes not showing is probably caused by the shortcode parser freaking out by how you pass the parameter to it. I tested your code example / shortcode (added 4 times to the post content) and here’s what I got as a result,

<div><iframe class="airtable-embed" &#8217;src<="" iframe=""></div>
<div class = "airtable-view"><iframe class="airtable-embed"&#8217;src</iframe>

It might be better idea to format your shortcode callback function along these lines,

function shortcodeToIframe($atts){

  $default = array(
    'src' => '',
  $atts = shortcode_atts( $default, $atts );

  if ( ! $atts['src'] ) {

  return sprintf(
    '<div class="airtable-view"><iframe class="airtable-embed" src="https://wordpress.stackexchange.com/questions/345916/%s"></iframe></div>',
    esc_url( $atts['src'] )


And then use the shortcode like this,

[airtable-view src="http://www.domain.com"]

This would make the parameter explicit and there would be no extra quotes, double quotes, or equals signs to confuse the shortcode parser.