Insert page content into another page with a changed variable

Assuming you want to replace it with some static value (well, you can always change this anyway), some kind of find and replace snippet like this can do the trick:

$content = apply_filters( 'the_content', $post->post_content);
// set the replacement string value
$replace = "REPLACEMENT";
// make sure the quotes used are exact
$find_start = "<param name="filter" " . 'value="';
$find_end = '"';
// find the (end of) search string start position
$pos = strpos( $content, $find_start) + strlen( $find_start );
// get the content before (end of) search string
$before = substr( $content, 0, $pos );
// get content after search string
$after = substr( $content, $pos, strlen( $content ) );
// strip the after-content before end quote
$pos2 = strpos( $after, $find_end );
$after = substr( $after, $pos2, strlen( $after) );
// recombine content with replacement value
$content = $before . $replace . $after );
return $content;