Inserting into data into external DB using WPDB

You are using $wpdb incorrectly Take a look at these lines:

$row =  $newdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM chi_clients WHERE accountNum='$acctNum'",ARRAY_A);    
$name= $row['lastName'] . ", " . $row['firstName'];

$wpdb->get_results is going to return an array of “rows”. It is going to multidimensional. You are treating it like it has returned a one-dimensional array. That is, this (completely different data but illustrates the array to expect):

array(10) {
  array(23) {
    string(1) "1"
    string(1) "1"
    string(19) "2013-03-26 18:37:57"
    string(19) "2013-03-26 18:37:57"
    string(429) "[testsc]

You need to loop over that result set to get to the individual rows, or do something like this:

$name= $row[0]['lastName'] . ", " . $row[0]['firstName'];

That is true even if the result set is one row. If you know the result set is only one row you can use $wpdb->get_row instead and that will give you a one dimensional array.

Secondly, variables do not expand inside single quotes so all of your attempts to use variables in this way– 'name' => '$name',— simple won’t work. You have literally set name to $name, not to the data held in the $name variable.

Third, the first parameter of $wpdb ->insert is a string representing the table name. You have used what PHP will interpret to be a constant, and almost certainly an undefined one. You need quotes around chi_orders.

Those are the issues that I spot. If correcting those doesn’t fix it, it will move you forward quite a bit.