Is it better practice to create many page templates, or a a few base templates with custom HTML added via TinyMCE?

I use multiple templates, but also use code for some pages. For example, if I have a site with 3 sections, About, Products, and Research I would create page-about.php, page-products.php and page-research.php. These can be customized as necessary though usually they are simply pulling in unique sidebars which I want to include on all pages within that section. I wouldn’t use a unique template for each page, but would create templates that can be used by multiple pages that have similar needs.

The home page of the site is a different story. If I code everything into index.php, then the content can only be modified by editing the template. So I might build some things into the template but also add HTML in the editor. This could include multiple divs and various features. If you use the Tiny MCE Advanced plug-in you can set it so the extra paragraphs and breaks can be seen and removed. Or you can use to turn off autotop for the page. This will keep WP from botching up your code.