Is it possible to make WordPress core (iris)colorpicker-wrapper higher instead of making colorboxes scale smaller?

I found what I was looking for here:

I have several palettes on one page and I added some rows to the code when having more then one palette in one page

...setup options...

$('.iris-palette').css({'height':'20px','width':'20px', 'margin-left':'','margin-right':'3px','margin-top':'3px'});

//Nr of palette-areas? This is need if you have several 
//palettes on one page (else the palette-box would have an 
//unnessary large height)
var paletteareasCount = $('.palette-area').length;                                
var paletteCount = Math.ceil( $('.iris-palette').length / paletteareasCount);

var paletteRowCount = Math.ceil(paletteCount / 8);
$('.iris-picker').css({'height': 150 + (paletteRowCount * 23)+'px', 'padding-bottom':'15px'});


<div class="palette-area"><input type="text" value="#ccbbaa" class="my-color-field" /></div>
<div class="palette-area"><input type="text" value="#ccbbaa" class="my-color-field" /></div>
<div class="palette-area"><input type="text" value="#ccbbaa" class="my-color-field" /></div>
