Is there anything built into the WordPress core to enable me to get the relative path from the “permalink structure” option

Is there anything built into the WordPress core to enable me to get the relative path from the “permalink structure” option

No, because it isn’t necessary, PHP provides this via parse_url. Using php -a we can launch an interactive PHP shell and test the code:

php > echo parse_url( '', PHP_URL_PATH );
php > 

If we read the PHP docs we see that it also handles query strings, etc, e.g.:

php > echo parse_url( '', PHP_URL_PATH );
php > 

Your problem is not retrieving the relative URL.

Your results do not contain the /100 because your permalinks do not contain it. Run echo get_permalink(); and it will become obvious. You are assuming that your permalinks contain the post ID. They do not.

Given that:

get_option('permalink_structure') === "/%postname%/%post_id%/";

Can the relative path be taken from this or any permalink structure set up on the permalink settings page – whatever that might be…

Yes, via get_permalink() and parse_url.

I decided to spin up a local site of WP v5.6.1, and gave it the permalink structure you used:

enter image description here

I then fired up wp shell and ran the code and got the expected results:

vagrant@vvv:/srv/www/wordpress-one/public_html$ wp shell
wp> echo parse_url(get_permalink(168), PHP_URL_PATH);
wp> echo get_option('permalink_structure');