Is wp_deregister_script the best way to deal with unneeded plugins in a page?

I assume that you want to activate a plugin only when it is necessary. There is a better option to do this. You can activate the whole plugin upon a certain action. I have provided a example code that will help you achieve what you are looking for and if you have any more queries you can put a comment. If it works for you can accept the answer.

function run_activate_plugin( $plugin ) {
     $current = get_option( 'active_plugins' );
     $plugin = plugin_basename( trim( $plugin ) );

         if ( !in_array( $plugin, $current ) ) {
           $current[] = $plugin;
           sort( $current );
           do_action( 'activate_plugin', trim( $plugin ) );
           update_option( 'active_plugins', $current );
           do_action( 'activate_' . trim( $plugin ) );
           do_action( 'activated_plugin', trim( $plugin) );

         return null;
         run_activate_plugin( 'akismet/akismet.php' );