Issue replacing forward slash in string

I figured out a solution! Not that it explains some of the weird str_replace activity that I was seeing, so if anyone can explain that please do.

But to get around the original issue I was experiencing – The line

$filepath = str_replace($site_url."", '', $attachment->image_src_large[0]);

was only having an effect on either back or front end but not both because $attachment->image_src_large[0] was different for each. On front end I would get https://... but on back end, for whatever reason, I would get http://....

So I expanded $site_url = get_site_url(); to be:

$site_url = get_site_url();
  if (strpos($site_url, 'https') !== false){
    $ssl_site_url = $site_url;
    $plain_site_url = str_replace("https", "http", $site_url);
    } else {
    $plain_site_url = $site_url;
    $ssl_site_url = str_replace("http", "https", $site_url);

and then did a str_replace() for both strings. Might be overkill but it will work no matter what protocol $attachment->image_src_large[0] turns out to be.