issue with the_permalink

I got it solved. The problem was in the content.php file. I accidentally modified…

the_content( sprintf(
    __( 'Continue reading %s <span class="meta-nav">&rarr;</span>', 'twentythirteen' ),
    the_title( '<span class="screen-reader-text">', '</span>', false )
) );


the_abstract( sprintf(
    __( 'Continue reading %s <span class="meta-nav">&rarr;</span>', 'twentythirteen' ),
    the_title( '<span class="screen-reader-text">', '</span>', false )
) );

when what I needed was:

<?php if ( is_tag() || is_search() || is_category() ) : // Only display Excerpts for Search ?>

    <div class="entry-summary">
    <h3><a href="<?php the_permalink() ?>" rel="bookmark"><?php the_title(); ?></a></h3>
    <?php the_excerpt(); ?>

<?php endif; ?>