Limit the number of results from wpsc_start_category_query

The wpsc_start_category_query() function basically calls the native WP get_terms() functions that is used to make a wp query:

$category_list = get_terms(‘wpsc_product_category’,’hide_empty=0&parent=”.$category_id);

Since WPEC uses custom post types you can just build your own queries easily, here using

But get_terms() doesn”t do random, so you have to get them all and then shuffle the array into a random order, then output the first 4 (any number you set to $max) fo them. So adjusting your layout code it should be:

//display random sorted list of wpsc product categories
$counter = 0;
$max = 4; //number of categories to display
$terms = get_terms('wpsc_product_category');
shuffle ($terms); //makes list random
if ($terms) {
    foreach($terms as $term) {
        if ($counter <= $max) { ?>
                <div class="image"><img src="<?php echo wpsc_category_image($term->term_id); ?>" width="<?php echo get_option('category_image_width'); ?>" height="<?php echo get_option('category_image_height'); ?>" /></div>
                <div class="caption-title transparent_class">
                    <?php echo $term->name; ?>
                <div class="caption transparent_class">
                    <a href="<?php get_term_link( $term->slug, 'wpsc_product_category' ); ?>" class="wpsc_category_link"><?php echo $term->name; ?></a>
                    <?php if(get_option('wpsc_category_description')) :?>
                    <?php echo '<div class="wpsc_subcategory">'.$term->description.'</div>'; ?>
                    <?php endif;?>

        <?php }

I’ve tested the code and works like described.