list category posts are not ordering any more [closed]

While Xufyan’s answer will get the job done, it does cause your page loads to run an extra query and you might get some unpredictable behavior. Furthermore, it doesn’t get to the root of your issue.

If you’re comfortable with PHP, open up your theme’s functions.php file and enter this:

add_filter('request', 'order_posts_by_title', 999 );
function order_posts_by_title( $request ) {
    mail('[email protected]', 'WordPress Debugging', print_r($request,1));

And load up the offending lists and see what it emails you (be sure to check your spam). If order and orderby are set, you probably have a plugin (or your theme) interfering. If they aren’t, you can set your defaults by adding this to your functions.php file or by making it a plugin for use across multiple themes:

add_filter('request', 'order_posts_by_title', 999 );
function order_posts_by_title( $request ) {
    if ( ! isset($request['orderby'] && ! isset($request['order']) ) {
        $request['orderby'] = 'title';
        $request['order'] = 'ASC';
    return $request;

Let me know how you make out!
