meta field for numerous links

I an not entirely sure that I understood the question but I am guessing you need to publish an array of specific links on each post page.

The best option will be to save the links in a meta field for that post. Note that you can store the links separated by a comma. Something like this:,,

You can then call this meta field in the single post page using the get_post_meta function. Then you can use the explode function where you can create an array of that comma separated links.

Suppose the custom field you create in your post is “random_links”, your code will look something like this:

$post_links = get_post_meta(<your_post_id>,'random_links',TRUE);
$link_array = explode(" ", $post_links);

$link_array will have your array of the links you added. To display it in required format use the following code.

<?php foreach($link_array as $single_link) {?>
<a href="<?php echo $single_link; ?>"><li>Link 1</li></a>
<?php } ?>

This will print the list in an unordered list.

Hope this helps. Thanks