meta_query returning excluded result

i’m not sure about this one, but i think you have too many nested arrays.

you should be getting something like

[meta_query] => Array
    [relation] => OR
    [0] => Array
                    [key] => _cmb_tuesday_location_1
                    [value] => huntley
                    [compare] => LIKE

    [1] => Array
                    [key] => _cmb_tuesday_location_2
                    [value] => huntley
                    [compare] => LIKE

you can add the conditions directly to the right array:

                    $metaq = array();
                    $metaq[relation] = 'OR'
                    for($a=1; $a<=10; $a++) {
                        $metaq[$a] = array(
                            'key' => '_cmb_'.$searchday.'_location_'.$a,
                            'value' => $location,
                            'compare' => 'LIKE'

and then

$args = array('posts_per_page' => -1,
          'post_type' => $class_type,
          'meta_query' => $metaq

note: i haven’t tested this, sorry