Modify Blog Module layout in Child theme

Child theme are loaded first than parent theme. And unlike other template files functions.php of child theme get merged with parent theme’s functions.php instead of being overwritten.

So a function i.e. et_pb_blog() declared in parent theme can not be re-declared in child theme.


  1. Remove the shortcode in child theme
  2. Add it again with child theme but with different callback function name.
  3. You are buffering content but not returning what is in buffer. So complete the code with returning buffered content.


/* Remove shortcode that was added in parent them */

add_shortcode('et_pb_blog', 'et_pb_blog_custom');
 * Add the shortcode again with diffrent function name
 * @return string $shortcode_content
function et_pb_blog_custom($atts) {

    //Do watever you want

    $content = ob_get_contents(); //Get the buffer contnet
    ob_end_clean(); // turn off buffering
    return $content; // Return the content

Suggestion: Never use query_posts() instead try to use get_posts()
or mostly preferred WP_Query(). Continue reading here