Modify user profile data through scripting?

You should allow for a custom field in your unity profile which will be linked to the WordPress profile. You could then run a JavaScript function to call an AJAX script to execute a PHP file inside WordPress to update a specific profile.

Here’s some pseudo-code:


function updateProfile(parameters) {
    var xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', '' + parameters, true);

// Usage

PHP (receiver.php):

global $wpdb;

$username = $_POST['username'];
$points = (int) $_POST['points'];

$wpdb->query("UPDATE some_table SET points = points + $points WHERE username = $username");

Note you’ll need to sanitise your input and you’ll neet to link the pints to the username. You can add add_user_meta() function for this.

Note that this is a basic approach. The receiver.php file can be part of a plugin, so you’ll actually call in your AJAX call.