Multiple wordpress queries with nested output (odd – even)

Why not just do straight what you’ve wanted.

$args_one = array(
    'cat'            => 7,
    'posts_per_page' => 8,
$args_two = array(
    'cat'            => 10,
    'posts_per_page' => 8,

// will run 2 sql queries.
$posts_one = get_posts( $args_one );
$posts_two = get_posts( $args_two );

$all_posts = array();

// lets merge them into 1 array.
while ( isset( $posts_one[0] ) || isset( $posts_two[0] ) ) {

    if ( isset( $posts_one[0] ) ) {
        $all_posts[] = array_shift( $posts_one );

    if ( isset( $posts_two[0] ) ) {
        $all_posts[] = array_shift( $posts_two );
 * Now we've merged them gracefully into 1 array regarless of if these arrays are equal in size or not.
 * so we can now render them in single loop.

if ( count( $all_posts ) ) :
    $num = 1;
    global  $post;
    foreach ( $all_posts as $post ) :
        if ( 0 === $num % 2 ) {
            get_template_part( 'mobile-template/loop-even' ); // i've added suffix -even|-odd to make it possible to render them a bit differently.
        } else {
            get_template_part( 'mobile-template/loop-odd' );
