Need a method to prevent WP from adding in between my shortcodes

I created a simple shortcode and added it two times to a page like so:


As you can see, I added a line break (<br />) after the first shortcode. So in the frontend it is also shown like this:


And in the HTML:

<br />

Than I also used the the_content filter but with strtr() like this:

    function remove_br_from_shortcodes($content){

        // look for the string "]<br />" and replace it just with "]"
        $replace = array (
            ']<br />' => ']'
        $content = strtr($content, $replace);

        return $content;

    add_filter('the_content', 'remove_br_from_shortcodes');

After refreshing the page, the frontend now shows:

something else

In the HTML:


As the name of the_content filter already suggests, it is a filter for the normal post/page content, not, for example text-widgets or excerpts.

If you also want to remove paragraphs (<p>) than please try adding this in the $replace array: (watch your comma´s!)

'<p>[' => '[',
']</p>' => ']',

With the PHP strtr() function, you can replace certain characters in a string. More to read here.