need to edit php file of child theme to remove an element

Editing your theme files is not a good idea. If you don’t fully understand the theme, you might break it. Moreover, if the theme is updated, it will overwrite all your edits.

The correct way to do this is make a child theme. You don’t need ftp access. You can also upload it from dashboard->themes->add-bew-theme->upload.

Here are tree steps to follow:

  1. Download style.css from the original theme. Remove everything but the header. In that header change Theme Name and Description. Don’t touch the Template line.

  2. Download the template file that you want to change. Remove the line you want to get rid of.

  3. Create a functions.php file to include an action wp_enqueue_scripts as described in the link.

Upload the three files. Use live preview tot test if everything is going according to plan.