OceanWP settings are missing from Add New Post [closed]

It looks like you can hook into the ocean_main_metabox_capabilities filter:

It is defined in /plugins/ocean-extra/includes/metabox/metabox.php:

$capabilities = apply_filters( 'ocean_main_metaboxes_capabilities', 'manage_options' );

In your child theme or a custom plugin, try the following (for example, in /themes/mytheme/functions.php:

add_filter( 'ocean_main_metaboxes_capabilities', 'my_custom_metabox_role' );

 * Change the default role used to display the Ocean Extra metabox.
 * @param string $role The role to use, defaults to 'manage_options' (Administrator).
 * @return string
function my_custom_metabox_role( $role ) {
    if ( ! current_user_can( 'publish_posts' ) ) {
        return $role;

    return 'publish_posts';