Only echo item in foreach with highest value [closed]

Technically, this is more of a general PHP question rather than a WordPress question which should be on Stack Overflow instead.

To echo only the highest value from your array, try storing your items ($s[1]) into an array instead and then use max(). Something like this:

$args = array(
    'post_type' => array('product'), 
    'posts_per_page' => -1

$wcProductsArray = get_posts($args);
$skuList = array();

if (count($wcProductsArray)) {
    foreach ($wcProductsArray as $productPost) {
        $productSKU = get_post_meta($productPost->ID, '_sku', true);
        $productTitle = get_the_title($productPost->ID);
            if (strpos($productSKU, 'BUR') !== false) { 
                $s = explode("-",$productSKU);
                // echo '<li>' . $s[1] . '</li>';
                $skuList[] = $s[1];

echo( max($skuList) );

I don’t have a WooCommerce setup right now to validate it, so you’ll need to confirm that it works or play around with it.